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50 Weather App UI Design For Your Inspiration

Beyond a doubt, mobile applications are really popular these days, some of them, indispensable. Aside from a good idea or a really easy to use interfa…

10+ High Tech Camping Gears and Gadgets

Camping is a wonderful activity that enables you to connect with mother nature. However, a good camping adventure doesn’t mean it should be uncomfor…

Mist Desktop Wallpapers

Mist has a lot of meanings – it can show depth, calmness, mystery or can even be spooky at times. Whatever meaning you take from a misty scenery, it…

Your Guide to Facebook’s New Page Insights

Having stumbled upon an invitation to try out Facebook’s New Page Insight, we took the tour and checked out what’s new, what’s improved and what…

Effortlessly Secure Files Across All Devices with Plug-Group

Note: This project has been discontinued. Cloud storage is, shall we say, the current way to store all our files for easy access on multiple devices. …

Understanding Retina Displays and Media Queries

Apple revolutionized screen quality with its Retina display. This technology offers incredibly clear, vibrant, and detailed images. However, it also p…

How to Avoid Being a Target for Trolls

Anyone active online will eventually encounter trolls. These irritating, disrespectful troublemakers lurk in the shadowy recesses of internet forums, …
