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Turn Your iPhone Into a 3D Camera Using Poppy

The world of 3D technology is experiencing a resurgence, from awe-inspiring 3D street art to groundbreaking 3D printing and 3D paintings. While there …

Keep Track of Your Projects with Postpone

There are tons of productivity apps out there that promise a wide variety of features. However, needs like keeping a to-do list short, sharing workspa…

Inspirational Workspace: A Tour of’s Office

We are fans of unorthodox art, such as sketches on Starbucks cups, street pavements, and the sides of buildings, etc. Occasionally, we enjoy checking …

How to Refresh Changes on Browser with Sublime Text

As web designers, we often do this: tweak the codes in the code editor, save the file, head over to the browser and refresh it to see the changes. We …

Creative Resume Design, Vol. 3

A recruiter just spends about six seconds on a resume – the length of a Vine video. Thus it is important to find a way to make your resume stand out…

How to Detect a Visitor’s Browser in WordPress

There are times when you may need to deliver specific content or adjustments based on the web browser your site visitors are using. Various methods ca…

Azendoo: Simple Multi-Function Project Management App

Update: Azendoo is no longer in service. There is certainly an overabundance of project management and team collaboration apps these days, making it h…

Useful Google+ Keyboard Shortcuts, Tips & Tricks

At the recent Google I/O event, Google’s take on social network, Google+ saw a revamp to their design with new features. Together with that, Google …
