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PC Security vs. Website Security (Infographic)

Here’s a fun infographic designed in the style of an the old arcade game, Space Invaders, called Website Invaders. Heart Internet has put together a…

How to Easily Send Multiple Photos on iOS Devices

Note: This post was first published on Apr 30, 2013. Sharing photos on social networks like Facebook and Instagram has become so easy that you might p…

Evolution of Video Games User Interfaces

Over the past few decades, video games have been refined by graphical enhancements, increased processor speed of video game systems and other technolo…

8 Tips to Getting Your Guest Post Published

Learn how to get your guest post published with these helpful tips. Increase your online presence and reach a wider audience.

12 Types Of Social Network Users [Infographic]

We have a wide range of social networks that most Internet users are addicted to and from this addiction rose 12 patterns of users that you would prob…

20+ Cheatsheets & Infographics For Photographers

We love cheatsheets as one can refer to them and make quick amendments to better our skills. Since many loved our last compilation of cheatsheet for d…

3 Mozilla Webmaker Tools You Should Know

Mozilla is off to a good start converting regular web users into web makers. Webmaker tools are a great resource for aspiring developer and designers …

Freshen Up Your iPhone Icons With CocoPPa

This article was first published on: Apr 25, 2013. If you are an iPhone user, you are probably used to restrictions on how you can customize which app…

Memoto: Smallest Wearable Camera Perfect for Lifelogging

There is no shortage of high quality cameras to record unforgettable moments in your life, but size and more importantly, wearability are areas which …

UI Design: How to Add Mobile Navigation Icons

With the increasing use of mobile devices for internet browsing, it’s crucial to adapt website elements for smaller screens. One such element is Web…
