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How to Reinvent the World (In 3 Simple Steps)

Changing the world is easy. Take Steve Jobs for example. The poster entrepreneur of our era who reinvented the world! He did it, while taking credit f…

Understanding Flexbox: A Modern Approach to UI Design

In a previous post about CSS3 Box-sizing, we discussed that HTML elements are essentially “boxes”. Traditionally, when positioning these boxes to …

The Fall of Apple (Infographic)

Let’s settle down for a moment. The topic of Apple’s potential downfall has been a subject of speculation for years, especially after the loss of …

How Augmented Reality Is The Next Big Social Experience

First coined in 1990 by Tom Caudell, a researcher at aircraft manufacturer Boeing, ‘augmented reality’ used to refer to a head-mounted digital dis…

Improve Typing Productivity With PhraseExpress

With everything computerized these days, we spend a lot of time typing away on our keyboard. If your job requires you to work on the computer, there a…

Superheroes Desktop Wallpapers

If the sight of a superhero soaring across a movie theater screen is etched into your earliest memories, then prepare for a nostalgic journey. With ic…

Collaborate On Design Projects Remotely with GoVisually

Remote collaboration via email is a pain. It takes time and choosing between Reply and Reply All is sometimes so complicated that some won’t be able…

7 Successful Entrepreneurs Who Began As Freelancers

If you want to start a small business, you craft a plan, make some financial decisions, complete some legal statements and you are done. Sounds easy a…

Share Facebook Statuses Easily With Status Snapper

Want to share a funny Facebook status but don’t want the profile picture or name revealed in the shot? Many users use colors to blot out the details…

LIT: The Activity-Monitoring Watch for Sports Enthusiasts

Wearable gadgets have found a home in the health industry, providing a tracking device to help count your calories, track your personal mileage or hel…

3 Skills You Need to Succeed in Freelance Writing

Many look at freelancing as a hit or miss career. Some even don’t believe that writers can make a substantial income freelancing from their backyard…

How to Achieve Equal Column Heights Using CSS

Traditionally, websites feature a main content area and a sidebar. Often, the main content is longer than the sidebar, resulting in uneven column heig…
