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The Billion-Dollar Startups [Infographic]

How many tech startups do you know is worth billions of dollars? This infographic by lists 12 startups (since 2004) that have reached the bi…

How to Rename Google Maps Bookmarks on iOS and Android

Google Maps app made a return to iOS last Christmas, and hit the top of the chart giving cause to close to 30% of iOS users to upgrade to iOS 6. The a…

Valentine's Day Desktop Wallpapers

It’s time to set the mood for the upcoming Valentine’s Day. You see the love theme on websites, in shopping malls and even on social media. So why…

Abstract Wallpapers [Wallpaper Wednesday]

Beauty is subjective, and rarely is something more subjective than abstract art. Abstract artworks may appear bizarre to some of us, leaving us with q…

5 Characteristics “The Employee Of The Century” Has

Ever wondered what it would take to be named the ‘Employee of the Century’? What qualities would they need to have? Employers always look for cert…

How to Securely Send Emails in Gmail Using SafeGmail

Gmail is a popular and secure email service, but if you want an extra layer of protection when sending emails, you can use a Chrome extension called S…

“Top-To-Toe” Wearable Gadgets You Can Buy

The thing with electronic gadgets is that it is a display of your taste, your style and even your personality – from the decal you choose to put you…

13 Ways To Raise Your Mobile Content Game

We recently analyzed data from more than 200 million visitors to our eCommerce customers’ sites, and found that 27% of site visits came from people …

How to Transfer and Sync Your iPhone Contacts with Android

When switching from an iPhone to an Android phone, it’s not only a change of brand but also a change of its entire operating system. Switching opera…
