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5 Essential cPanel Settings For Beginners

cPanel is currently the leader and industry standard for standalone hosting platforms. Its main product, WHM/cPanel, is widely used by most web-hostin…

30 Creative Fruit-Turned-Animal Photos

Who doesn’t love fruit? They’re the perfect appetizer and a delightful way to start or end a meal. But some artists take their love for fruit to t…

Use Microsoft Office on Your iPad Without a Laptop

Note: OnLive Desktop is no longer in service. How would you feel if you could run your Windows applications like MS Word and PowerPoint on your iPad a…

38 Beautiful iOS App Icon Designs For Your Inspiration

The icon is on one of the first thing a user sees of a new mobile app. There isn’t much space to play around so this tiny picture has to do all the …

5 Top Augmented Reality Apps for Education

The concept of augmented reality has been in existence for a few years now despite the fact that many users of mobile devices are under the impression…

26 Cute Doodle Artwork For Your Inspiration

Discover the beauty of doodle artworks and get inspired to create your own. Check out our collection of amazing doodle art examples and tips.

30 Beautiful Progress Bar Designs, Vol. 1

As Internet broadband connections get faster, our internal waiting clocks run on shorter and shorter minutes. But there are times when we still have t…

20 Furniture Marvels For The Futuristic Home

Welcome to the future of home furnishing! In this post, we’ll take you on a journey through the latest trends in futuristic furniture design that wi…
