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Freebie Release: “Drops of Gold” Wallpaper

Like the element, the colour of gold is a rare find in nature – which makes it all the more desirable. A simple photo of a plant at the peak of the …

Beautiful Photos of Street Signage

When we see the ‘Stop’ sign as we drive, we know reflexively that we need to stop or we might end up in a car accident. Such connections are vital…

How to Browse Instagram Like Pinterest

Would you like to experience Instagram on the Web? Not just that, what if you could browse beautiful Instagram photos in a Pinterest-style layout? Pin…

How to Create a Stacked-paper Effect Login Form

Login forms are an essential part of any dynamic website. They provide a mechanism for website users to access restricted content. In this tutorial, w…

Getting around in Yahoo! Axis

(Yahoo! Axis has been discontinued.) Yahoo had recently introduced Yahoo! Axis, the first-of-its-kind search-oriented add-on for your browser with ple…

How to Enable Half-Star Ratings in iTunes

Note: This post was first published on the May 29, 2012. In iTunes, you can rate your collection of songs and videos from 1 to 5 stars, but there is n…

Pinterest Iconset – Free Download

Recently, we have been discussing Pinterest tools, the mechanics behind Pinterest, and some of the inspiring materials available on this image-sharing…

Monday Blues: 5 Ways to Counter It

In studies conducted with US participants, results have shown that suicides are more likely to occur on Mondays than any other weekday, and not surpri…

How to Sync iTunes From Your Mac to Android Device

Ever had the problem of getting your iTunes music from your Mac to your Android phone? Copying from one storage source to the other is fine, but it do…

9 Mistakes to Avoid for Successful Pitches!

So you’ve done the hard work. You’ve crafted a wicked resume, you networked incessantly and you finally get called in for an interview. You though…

Freebie Release: Silent Beauty Wallpaper

Long used to deliver messages of love, apologies, friendship and get-well-soons, flowers have always been the best gift for all occasions, big and sma…
