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70 Cute Smartphone Anti-Dust Plugs You Can Buy

If you look at current smartphone designs, whether it’s an iPhone, Blackberry or others, you will know that they lack one critical factor, at least …

5 Tips to Designing The Winning “Buy Button”

If you are a web designer, online marketer, or a website owner aiming to boost sales, crafting an effective “buy button” is pivotal. Simply using …

15 Free Photoshop Watercolor Brushes to Download

As a token of our appreciation to our devoted readers and the design community, we’re excited to offer a unique collection of 15 watercolor brushes …

Bloggers’ Networking Guide: Easy Roadmap to Connect (Part 7)

All right, since it is the final part of the “Networking Guide for Bloggers” series there’s no time to beat around the bush here – straight do…

Optimizing Blog Readership: Reading off the Net

There’s no doubt that reading a book is distinct from reading an e-book. The same applies to reading text on paper and reading a blog online. Faced …

Quirky Packaging Designs

It was 1035 when a Persian traveler walked into a market in Cairo and noted that vegetables, spices and hardware were wrapped in paper for the custome…

Keeping Your CSS3 Code Markup Slim

Web developers can save a lot of time using more sophisticated CSS3 syntax. Users who visit your page are expecting the fastest possible load time –…

Mastering Blogger Networking: Messages that Get Noticed (Part 6)

The previous part of the series was all about email and various aspects of it. How long an email should be. What a good subject line is. Finally, what…

10 SEO Mistakes All Bloggers Should Avoid

Search engine optimization (SEO) is vital to any successful blogging campaign. Therefore it should be implemented in the right manner. SEO itself is q…

How to Display Facebook Statuses on WordPress Blog

If you want to show your Facebook Statuses and you are hosting on a blog that restricts you from installing plugins, try this. The follo…

20+ WebGL Experiments That Are Just Wow!

Behold, for a great tool with great promises is coming to your eyes. It is fast and smooth. It renders 3D, and with integration it animates, guess wha…

Guide To A/B Testing With Google Website Optimizer

To generate more conversions on your website you’ll have to look into traffic statistics. Google Analytics is a fantastic service, but it can only g…
