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20 Infographics for Web Designers

Infographic is a great way to turn the most boring data into the most comforting graphic, which is much easier for reader to digest. As web designers …

How to Ruin Good User Experience in 20 Steps

Every day, we access several new or familiar sites and encounter different experiences. Sometimes, you may have pleasant and average ones, but if you …

A Look Into: Fonts Used In Logos of Popular Brands

Are you staring at other designers’ logos and immediately trying to decipher what typeface they are using? If you are a designer, it is probably an …

40 Exceptionally Beautiful HDR Photos Of Airports In Asia

HDR, also known as High Dynamic Range, is a set of techniques that when applied carefully, magically transforms your photographs into really stunning …

Designing Content Intensive Layout: Tips and Examples

Note: This post was first published on the Feb 22, 2011. To create comprehensive layouts for the web takes skill and a lot of dedication. Web designer…

13 Infographics To Understand The Blogosphere Better

Not too long ago, we showcased the best infographics about social media that we could find on the net. This time round, we’re going to show you how …

How to Measure Front-end Website Performance

Learn how to measure website performance with these front-end tools and techniques. Improve your website speed and user experience today.

iPhone Photography: Beautiful Photos Taken With iPhone 4

Two years ago, if you were to show someone an awesome picture and ask them what was it taken with, they’ll most probably bet on a Digital Camera or …

Positive Effect of Negative Space in Photography

Negative space can give your photograph an entirely different atmosphere. Negative space often adds interest as it can place a stronger emphasis on t…

Freebie Release: “Cutie” High Quality Web Icon Set

“Cutie” is an icon set cute as a pie. It consists of the most commonly used web icons, designed with one intention- to bring attention and playful…

6 Powerful Google Analytics Features

Google Analytics is much more robust than most people give it credit for. Contrary to popular belief, it can do most of the things more advanced analy…
