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Freebie Release: “Fluzzy” Twitter Icon Set

Meet Fluzzy, yet another high quality free Twitter icon set released exclusively for Hongkiat readers from our friend at Iconshock. You might also wan…

Masters of Paper Art and Paper Sculptures, Vol. 1

There are some artistic minds in the world who can turn the basic form of origami together with a little cutting, folding, bending, shaping, and more …

30+ Free Beautiful Joomla Templates to Download

Being quite a resourceful CMS, Joomla is the go-to option for many who want to develop a comprehensive website or blog. Therefore, like fresh WordPres…

Breadcrumb Navigation: Best Practices and Examples

Breadcrumb navigation is often overlooked in the design and development process. Some people may see it as unnecessary, while others may feel it is t…

Freebie Alert: “Blitter” Twitter Icon Collection

We cherish freebies, especially when they’re of high quality. We often scour the Internet to unearth these treasures, aiming to simplify and enhance…

30 Apple Concept Designs You Should See

A great wave of excitement is sweeping across all Apple fans as they await for the official launch of the latest amazing Apple product by year end. Ye…

5 Tips for Black & White Photography

Monochrome photographs are timeless, mainly black and white photographs. They enhance emotional substance and have a disposition of making photos look…

70+ Insightful Retro and Historic Artworks Around The World

Art has always been a reflection of the world we live in. It tells a story of who we are, where we’ve come from, and where we might be headed. Thatâ…

100 Captivating Examples of Urban Decay Photography

One of the things that makes a great designer is the ability to see beauty in unlikely places. And images of urban decay can really put that ability t…

Evolution of Microsoft Windows: 1985 – 2009

It all began in Plaza Hotel, New York City, on the 10th of November 1983. Two Microsoft founders Paul Allen and Bill Gates officially announced their …

20+ Car Pimping and Tuning Photoshop Tutorials

Note: This post was first published on the 26th Sept, 2009. We’ve seen how Photoshop has been extensively used in areas like web designing and beaut…
