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Are Ready-made Websites Killing Web Design?

More often than not, you would meet someone who is not as acquainted with the comings and goings of web design and tell you,”I can do the same thing…

10 Study Methods to Supercharge Your Mind

Everyone hates tests, scratch that, everyone hates studying for tests. When trying to justify that you had studied what was taught for the whole semes…

40+ Sites For Free Sound Effects

Best websites to download different kinds of music, sound effects, vocals, and audio snippets etc. for free.

How to Track Stock Portfolio with Google Sheet

When it comes to stock investment, one of the most difficult aspects is managing your portfolio. One has to maintain a record of one’s stock holding…

40 Useful Tools and Resources for Website Creation

Web designers are always on the lookout for free design tools to help them save time and resources. As projects are always piled up for designers, the…

Top 5 Antivirus Software for Mac (2023)

When people think of Mac computers, the immediate thought is it’s sleek, powerful, and mainly for creative use, but another idea people have is that…

60+ Keyboard Shortcuts for Arc Browser

Arc – developed by the Browser Company – is one of the latest browers in town favor by many, especially designers. It is designed to provide a new…

10+ Best Free URL Shortening Services

In this post we have 40 of them, most of which you probably have not heard of. Some of them offer more than just shorten-url-to-go services.

How to Add Watermark in Google Docs

Google Docs is already an amazing online documentation tool. But there are still some features that even the regular users of Google Docs don’t real…
