5 Popular Writing Tips You Might Want to Skip
Writing well is crucial, whether for your business or profession. You need to write effectively to convey your message. This necessity spans various tasks, including running a business blog, crafting web copy, and managing your social media presence. Good writing stems from practice.

However, be mindful that not all popular writing tips are beneficial. As you endeavor to enhance your writing, you may encounter common advice that might not be advantageous. Similar to blogging, social networking, and freelancing, some recommendations do not always lead to success.
Read Also: Effective Tips and Guidelines for Freelance Writing Success
1. Write Every Day
Many writers tout this tip as a sacred rule, believing it sharpens their craft and wards off writer’s block. Consider Stephen King, who dedicates four hours each morning to writing.
However, if writing is not your primary source of income, the expectation to write daily can be impractical. You have a business to run, and it’s unlikely you can dedicate each day solely to improving your writing skills.
Furthermore, trying to write when your mind is preoccupied with other tasks can hinder your ability to concentrate.
There’s also no assurance that writing every day will improve your abilities. For instance, if grammar is your weak point, then writing daily might just reinforce those grammatical mistakes.

How To Make It Work For You
Identify the weaknesses in your writing. Are they related to grammar, structure, or unfamiliarity with a certain style? Focus on learning what’s necessary, rather than writing aimlessly every day. Utilize your daily communications as practice.
If your goal is to develop a writing habit and improve your flow, then consider the writing you naturally do throughout your day. Emails, social media posts, comments on blogs, and forums – all these can be part of your writing practice.
View everyday communication as an opportunity to hone your writing skills.
2. Write Like You Speak
At first glance, the idea of writing as you speak seems sensible. However, a deeper examination reveals that it’s not always great advice.
Why? Our everyday speech is often filled with hesitations like ‘hmm’s and ‘um’s, and frequent repetitions as we try to clarify our thoughts. These quirks can render written content sloppy.
Beyond that, consider this: Are we all clear and effective communicators when we speak? Not necessarily.
While speaking, you can use various expressions and tones to convey your message. In writing, you typically have only one opportunity to connect with your readers or clients. Clarity is essential.

How To Make It Work For You
What this advice really suggests is that your writing should reflect your personality. A good starting point is to be mindful of how you speak. Observe your words and tone. Recording your speech and listening to it can reveal your most commonly used words and phrases. Do you lean towards a casual or formal style?
Understanding your spoken voice can help you bring the same authenticity to your writing. Instead of repetitively using phrases like ‘Get what I mean?‘, place them strategically in your writing for maximum impact.
Get what I mean?
3. Write Like No One’s Going to Read It
The advice to ‘write like no one’s going to read it’ might remind you of someone singing loudly (and out of tune) in the shower without a care in the world. When you write with this mindset, you’re not holding yourself accountable. It’s akin to saying your writing doesn’t require effort or discipline.
If you believe no one will read your work, then for whom are you writing? This mentality can lead to veering off-topic and losing focus. Your writing might follow your wandering thoughts instead of staying structured and coherent.

How To Make It Work For You
This tip can be valuable when applied correctly. Try this approach: Write as if no one will read it, but revise as if your ideal client will scrutinize every word. The promise of future editing can provide the right balance between freedom and responsibility.
While you allow yourself the freedom to write uninhibitedly, remember that an editing phase will follow. This awareness encourages you to stay as focused as possible on the subject, minimizing the need for extensive revisions later on.
4. Write What You Know
The saying ‘write what you know’ suggests that familiarity breeds quality content, but this isn’t always true. Sure, you might be an expert on your product or service, but expertise doesn’t automatically translate to effective communication.
How To Make It Work For You:
It’s common advice that to sell effectively, you should emphasize benefits, not just features.
Does your product save time? Does it alleviate discomfort? How does it simplify life for the user?
If you’re unsure how to articulate these benefits, start by listing your features in one column. Then, for each feature, think about how it positively impacts your customer’s life. Focus on the emotions and experiences your writing can evoke in your readers, and let that guide your words.
5. Avoid Jargon and Foreign Phrases
The common advice to avoid jargon and foreign phrases is well-intentioned, aiming to prevent writers from appearing pretentious. However, oversimplifying language can also come across as patronizing. Indeed, sometimes a phrase like ‘C’est la vie’ expresses an idea more succinctly than its English equivalent, ‘That’s life‘.

How To Make It Work For You
The key is to know your audience. If your readers are familiar with the industry terminology, using specialized terms is appropriate. For those new to the subject, consider providing a brief explanation of the term in parentheses upon its first use. This method is also useful for foreign expressions.
When writing for a specific regional audience, incorporating well-understood local words or phrases can strengthen the connection with them.
It’s essential to ensure that any writing advice you follow truly benefits you. Adhering to guidance blindly, without seeing results, leads to wasted effort and frustration.
Ultimately, the success of your writing isn’t just about increasing your website or blog traffic; it’s about discovering what works best for your unique style and objectives.