Publishing Policy

The Path to Getting Published
We are passionate about featuring top-quality, impartial, unbiased, and unique content from authors. We welcome well-crafted, fact-checked, and informative articles from tech writers, designers, and developers.
However, all submissions must undergo a thorough review by our editors before being published. Along with checking for plagiarism and conducting minor edits, all content must receive at least two positive reviews before being approved for publication on our website.
Payment and Copyright
We will pay for articles that are published, unless the writer wishes to submit their work as a pure contribution. All published content is the original work of the authors unless our editor sees a necessity to make alterations in terms of inaccurate information.
We do not have influence over the advice, recommendations, and opinions in the contributed article, or the direction of it. However, we reserve the final decision to reject posts that are not suitable for publication.
While we make all efforts to ensure that none of the articles published on the website are illegally reproduced or have infringed upon the copyrights of another author, in the event that such a situation has been proven to occur, we will not hesitate to remove the said article from the website.
If you come across any articles that have been found to have copyright infringement or any other issues, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Materials for Publication
The purpose of this website is to provide our readers with accurate and beneficial content. If you have been a long-time visitor to the site, you know that we always have our readers’ interests in mind.
We do not participate in link exchange program. While we appreciate any criticism or suggestions from our readers, we do not accept them as a substitute for personal recommendations for products or services.
Posts containing keywords or links that are intended to confuse or manipulate search engine rankings will not be published and/or will be marked as no-follow.
We reserve the right to regularly revise this Publishing Policy without prior notice in order to uphold the quality and integrity of this website for the benefit of our readers.
(Updated: 12-05-2023)