10 Best Accessibility-Ready WordPress Themes
Creating websites that are accessible to individuals with various disabilities is increasingly becoming a necessity in the field of web design. Nowada…
Creating websites that are accessible to individuals with various disabilities is increasingly becoming a necessity in the field of web design. Nowada…
The Developer Tools of Microsoft Edge, the new default browser of Windows 10 got a modern design and a few new features compared to its predecessor, I…
If you stumble onto a font that you want to adopt for your own use, the common way to find out info about that font is to use the Inspect Element opti…
With the “Category” and “Tag” in WordPress, you can organize contents in relation to one another. These are straightforward features that user…
Has your site managed to survive the recent Mobilegeddon? If you haven’t even heard about it, don’t panic – after all, you are still alive. Mobi…
While the market is filled with numerous web design tools, services, and resources, the real challenge is finding one that’s perfectly suited for yo…
Marriage, for many, still is one of the most important events of their lives. So it is not surprising that many couples will put a lot of time, effort…
Web developers are blessed with free tools and resources found online, which we dutifully collect in our Fresh Resources series every month. If you mi…
Design conferences are fun. They are full of energetic, creative people exchanging ideas and giving brilliant talks. But these events can also be rath…
Qards is a WordPress plugin, produced by Designmodo, which allows you to edit existing pages or produce new pages precisely the way you intended.
Designers have always had a challenging role to play in the website creation process. They are often the first ones to work with a client, establishin…
Dealing with typography on the web has been real quirky. Each browser has its own algorithm to render fonts which could lead to unexpected discrepanci…