Sending Large Files with MASV, 10 Reasons Why It’s Great.
We send and receive files and documents all the time. Though emails or cloud storage platforms work well for everyday file transfer when it comes to transferring large files – the kind of file that videographers and post-production professionals are dealing with – then you cannot take the risk of using just about any tool.
So, in this post, I am going to talk about a file transfer tool that is reliable, fast, and feature-rich called MASV. Now MASV is a unique file transfer tool that is specially designed for sending and receiving large files – and by large I mean a couple of TBs large!
From broadcasters and content creators to post-production artists and even virtual conference organizers, there are a number of industry professionals who can benefit from MASV especially when they have to send bulky and time-critical files.
From all other file transfer services in the market, why MASV stands out to be the best for sending large files is what I am going to talk about in this post. By highlighting 10 reasons why it’s a good idea to use MASV for transferring large files, I will walk you through some of its most prominent features. So let’s begin.
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Gone are the days when sharing and sending files and documents with huge filesize over the Internet was... Read more
1. It’s actually fast
MASV is fast. Okay, but a lot of other file transfer tools claim the same right? Well, when I say that MASV is fast I have a logical explanation behind it.
An extensive server network of over 150 servers worldwide enables MASV to achieve maximum transfer speed and sends your files through the quickest available route. It is also the fastest TCP-based transfer service which means that your files won’t get stuck in firewalls.
Additionally, MASV makes the bytes travel the shortest possible distance by locating the closest server between you and your destination – which automatically makes the transfer process faster.

It also splits down the files to be transferred automatically into smaller packages and rather than sending one big request, it sends multiple small requests that adds to the transfer speed.
And in case of a disconnected internet or power outage, MASV will push through unstable internet connections and even let you pause and resume your transfer where you left.
2. So simple that anyone can use
The design ideology behind MASV is to create a tool so simple that anyone could use it. So, you don’t need to be tech-savvy to upload and download files in MASV. Just drag and drop your files and the interface is simple enough that you can easily navigate around.

Also, being a browser-based tool, you don’t need to install any software or plugin. The files you send remain available for download for 10 days after which the link automatically expires eliminating the need of removing files manually.
However, if you want your file to be available even after 10 days, you can purchase extra storage time.
3. Unlimited file transfer with huge file size
Most file transfer services that I’ve used, set a limit on file size or the number of files you can transfer. Imagine yourself sending time-sensitive data and you suddenly hit the file size limit. That’s a bummer.
MASV, as the name says, offers you to send any number of files to as many recipients as you want. Also, each file that you send can be up to 5TB in size (that’s almost unlimited).
Film festival organizers can specially benefit from this massive file delivery feature as they receive thousands of entries in different formats and file sizes from all over the world.
Plus, MASV has lossless compression, meaning you can send and receive files in the same quality.
4. Send and receive files in ‘Portals’
Portals are one-of-a-kind feature of MASV file transfer service. When you’re receiving files from a number of different sources, you can create portals for each team or client where they can easily upload or download the content.
MASV Portals streamline the content collection process by offering a hassle-free upload to the contributors. You can create as many Portals as you want to keep your projects organized as it takes only a few minutes to set one up.
The contributors don’t have to have a MASV account to access the Portal. Just create a portal and share its link with anyone you want and they’ll have instant access to it.

Moreover, MASV allows you to custom brand your Portals with your company’s logo, color scheme, and background image. That’s a great feature to keep everything in line with your brand communication. And you can even embed the Portal on your website.
5. Secure infrastructure
As a videographer or content creator, you’re always at the risk of your creative work getting leaked or stolen. To save you from the threats of intellectual property breach, MASV offers a secure and reliable file transfer process.
It comes with built-in security using strong TLS file encryption to protect your creative content. Also, based on Amazon Web Services‘ secure infrastructure, you can be assured of the safety of your content.
Even the Portals that you create in MASV are password-protected and the Watch Folders encrypt all files to add an extra layer of security to keep your intellectual property from falling in the hands of unauthorized users.
Furthermore, MASV is the only cloud file transfer service that has been assessed by the Trusted Partner Network (TPN) protecting your sensitive data from theft or breaches.
6. A good number of integrations
To streamline your file transfer, MASV integrates with an array of media and entertainment storage providers that you use frequently.
The platforms integrated with MASV include Amazon S3, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Storage, Microsoft OneDrive, Dropbox, Google Drive, Digital Ocean, Wasabi, BackBlaze B2, and Slack among many others.

Moreover, there’s a MASV desktop app (macOS and Windows) and you can also use it in your preferred browser on mobile (iOS and Android) to help you send and receive files from your desktop and mobile devices respectively.
7. Send large files via email
Though there are many ways to send files through email, however, when it comes to bulky data, most email services have a limit on the file size that you can send and that’s mostly just a fraction of the file size that you actually want to transfer.

With MASV, you can send large files through email by uploading the file(s) on MASV and then adding their delivery link into the body of your email. Being an accelerated cloud file transfer platform, MASV offers speed and agility of Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) without any file size restrictions, firewall issues, or bandwidth throttling.
8. Create ‘Watch Folders’
Watch Folders are yet another way to streamline your content collection. It is a folder that you can create in your computer and when a user drops a file in the Watch Folder a specified task is triggered.
MASV Watch Folders can be created to automatically upload files to Portals or specific recipients. These are a great solution when you don’t want to wait for your video files to finish rendering before uploading the final files for the clients.

Also, if your internet gets disconnected, you unmount the hard drive or close your laptop, the upload will automatically restart where it left off as soon as the internet connection is restored. MASV will keep the same folder structure that you created in your Watch Folder without any alterations.
9. Simplify virtual teams
Film festivals and virtual conferences can benefit from MASV as it simplifies the process of managing virtual production teams. Your presenters and team members from all over the world can upload any number of files by simple drag-and-drop.
Contributors can upload their content directly to commonly used cloud storages like Google Drive, OneDrive, or Dropbox as well as local storage platforms like Amazon S3 and Microsoft Azure etc.
You can also create branded Portals on MASV to receive any number of files with terabytes of data from presenters around the world and seamlessly collaborate with virtual teams.
10. Unique pricing model
After mentioning all these features, I think this post would be incomplete without mentioning the pricing model. Well, MASV has a unique pricing model that offers you to pay-as-you-go. So, instead of binding yourself into subscription packages.
The pay-as-you-go model works in a way that it is totally free to upload any number of files on MASV and you will only be charged when your receiver will download the sent data that too, only $0.25 per GB. There’s also a Volume Data Pre-buy option that allows you to create custom plans.

However, if you want to test MASV and its features on your own before you make any buying decision, you can opt for a free trial that gives you 100GB worth of data.
To sum it up
Some of you would think that why should we go for MASV when it’s paid and there are other free options out there. Well, that’s the whole point of this post.
MASV offers you so many interesting features without any cap on the number of files or the size of files to transfer and that too, with great speed and reliability. It allows you to manage content collection and virtual teams seamlessly. So, all in all MASV gives you great value for your money.