How to Skip Windows 8 Login Screen

The login screen is an important security feature present and used in all your laptops and mobile devices. But if you work in a secure environment and are the sole user of your computer, you might think about taking liberties when it comes to skipping the login screen. On Windows 8 or Windows 8.1 there is a way to bypass the lockscreen.

There is a way to set up your computer to automatically sign in into your account upon a restart. All it takes is a few steps to setup this automatic login for Windows 8.

How to Enable the Built-in Administrator Account on Windows 8

How to Enable the Built-in Administrator Account on Windows 8

Like its predecessors, Windows 8 is still vulnerable to attacks that could compromise the system. However, Windows 8... Read more

Enable Automatic Login

The first thing you need to do is to open Run by pressing WIN + R keys. Next type in netplwiz and click OK.

Run netplwiz

Untick “Users must enter a user name and password to use this computer”. Then click on Apply to bring out a window pop up.

Click on apply

In this pop up, you have to fill in User name, Password, Confirm Password according to your Microsoft account or local account details.

Note: If you’re using Microsoft account (e.g for the user name you have to type in your email address instead.

Fill in your account details

Click on OK and you’re done. Restart your PC and you will see your PC automatically login to Windows.
