Latest in: Social Commerce

The Pursuit Of Happiness (& How To Be Truly Happy)

We are born with the instinct to find meaning and purpose in our lives and this search for emotional well-being and stability in our lives gets more p…

30 Artistic Instagrammers You Should Follow

Instagram is riddled with accounts by celebrities, travel blogs, humor vlogs, and many more. It is also home to some of the most creative artists you …

How to Find The Right Topic (Writing Tip For Freelancers)

It doesn’t take a super-sleuth to figure out that writing isn’t as hard as it’s cracked up to be. Thinking about what to write, though, is an en…

5 Ways Your Career Is Making You Sick

Raise your hand if you’ve ever uttered the phrase, “They don’t pay me enough to put up with this crap.” This sentiment is one many of us share…

60 Shopping Cart UI For Your Inspiration

If you’re a designer or developer working on an e-commerce website or app, you know how crucial it is to have a smooth and user-friendly shopping ca…

Roadmap to Being a Successful Freelancer - (Part II)

I know many of you may be uncomfortable or too shy to sell even your own service. Unfortunately, you have no option. You have to get out of your comfo…

Roadmap to Being a Successful Freelancer - (Part I)

There are many types of creative workers, be it web designers or graphic designers, who are very interested in working as a freelancer rather than wor…

10 Free Ebooks For Content Marketing

For those who are serious about blogging or just cannot seem to get their blogs to take off, sometimes all you need is some first-hand tips from the e…

5 Effects Social Networks Have On You

If you are active on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc, it’s probably a way of life for you. We usually go on these sites be…

30+ Payment & Credit Card Iconsets

Icons are essential elements of any e-Commerce website, especially when it comes to payments. The icons allow the website to stay minimalistic, but in…
