Latest in: Social Commerce

This website reveals what your browser could be tracking

Many of you are probably aware of the fact that your internet browser tracks your information, such as browsing history. What you may not know is that…

Apple Launches Program to Fix iPhone 6 Plus’s Touch Disease

If you’re an iPhone 6 Plus owner, you may have come across the iPhone 6 Plus touchscreen problem. The touchscreen problem aka the "Touch Disease" oc…

Digitize old photos on your smartphone with Google PhotoScan

We may take thousands of photos these days but we all know that an old photo can turn more heads than what you ate for breakfast this morning. Google …

Facebook, Messenger and Instagram gets a unified inbox

Social media managers responsible for their company’s Facebook and Instagram pages will have their work streamlined soon. Facebook has announced tha…

Tweet directly from Chrome address bar with Chromnitweet

Chrome’s address bar is rather handy as it acts both as a browsing tool and a search bar. Now, you can even tweet from it using an extension called …

YouTube VR is now available for Daydream-ready smartphones

Explore the world of virtual reality on your smartphone with YouTube VR Daydream. Learn how to use this app and enjoy immersive experiences.

How to Upload & Add HDR Metadata to YouTube

After a long, long wait, YouTube has finally rolled out support for High Dynamic Range (HDR) videos. You can watch or upload HDR videos to the platfor…

New Gmail iOS Update Catches Up with Android

iOS users are finally getting a much-needed update on their Gmail app, with changes to the design, performance, search function etc. The biggest chang…

Snapnator brings the MagSafe back to the MacBook Pro

Apple’s “courageous” decision to remove the MagSafe port on the new MacBook Pro has been rather controversial among Mac purists. For those looki…

Google will lean towards mobile-first indexing

Mobile devices are the future of internet browsing and Google is making its move and leaning towards that trend — it has announced that it is experi…
