Latest in: Employees

How to Rekindle Your Passion for Work

According to a study conducted by Gallup, only 13%, or one-eighth of employees across 142 countries are engaged at work. This means if you are reading…

5 Career Myths That Need to Be Busted

Are you a wide-eyed fresh graduate looking to become a productive member of society? Or perhaps you are someone who made a wrong career choice and now…

5 Remote Worker Myths You Need To Stop Believing

What is the first thought that you have when you hear the term "remote workers"? Do they wake up at noon, work from the couch in their pajamas, and ha…

Survive Office: 7 (More) Tips For Moving Up Corporate Ladder

We spend about a quarter of our life working. Other than choosing a job that provides food on the table and pays our bills, most of us also look for a…

15 Annoying Office Jargons You Keep Hearing

Work in the corporate world long enough and you would eventually pick up on some of the jargon that many people use to get their ideas across. Such wo…

8 Ways to Ask Your Boss for Time Off

Everyone who has done a good job at work deserves to enjoy the sun, beach, mountains… well, basically a quality vacation once in a while. Besides, a…

How to Survive a Wrong Career Choice

“Stuck in a wrong job?” or “did you take a wrong turn in your career?” are the kinds of ideas most job search websites build their promotional…

What Iconic Leaders Did As Their First Jobs [Infographic]

Everyone’s got to start somewhere before iconic leaders make headlines – Barack Obama is no different. Long before he was President of the United …

How Gen-X & Millennials Behave at Work [Explained]

Generational diversity is at the very core of the development of any social and entrepreneurial organization. The Germans, for instance, are such a bi…

Why You Should Avoid Being Overworked at 25 [Op-Ed]

Judging by all those posts you read on social media, I’m a millennial or in other words I’m in the 18 to 34 year old range when this post was writ…

Hiring Gen-Z Employees: 8 Important Insights

Generation Z includes those born from the mid-90s to the early 2000s. By the time they were toddlers, they were more familiar with tablets than walker…
