Latest in: self improvement

How Creative Bounds Can Bring Out Your Creative Best

Designers may argue that in order to be effective, creativity should be given infinite space rather than be walled around by certain fixed metrics or …

8 Quick-Fixes to Boost Your Creativity Instantly

Having the dreaded writer’s block or designer’s block? Can’t you come up with an ingenious idea for your company project? What if I tell you tha…

What Advice Would You Give Your Younger Self?

I read an article that quoted Dropbox CEO Jeff Houston listing his 5 favorite job interview questions. One of the questions was If you were able to si…

How to Kickstart a Fantastic New Year

Let’s be honest, this is a writing challenge – a self-imposed test to push the boundaries of content creation. Think of it as the designer’s ver…

Designers: 7 Ways To Be More Prolific

With the demand for design increasing every day, so too is the number of designers out there competing for the same jobs. It’s not enough anymore to…

The Truth About Passion And How It Affects You

Today I’m going against the grain and asking you a question which you may have been wondering yourself lately. Over the past few years, there’s be…

10 Good Habits to Develop an Innovative Mind

If I could sum it all up, creativity is really about being able to see associations when others couldn’t. Being innovative, on the other hand, is ab…

5 Tips to Nail Demo Day (Prevent Bugs & Blunders)

Software is sensitive. Let’s face it, one ">" could be the difference between looking like an expert, or wanting to immediately disappear from th…

The Only New Year Resolution List You Need

Do you have your resolutions thought out yet? I have. It is the same as the previous year’s but I am keeping to it not because I didn’t achieve th…
