Latest in: Web Developers

Manage Local Server .dev Environments with “Hotel”

Every web developer needs their own local server environment for testing projects. These servers can range from PHP/MySQL to complex setups with Rails…

An Introduction to Progressive Web Apps

Most developers have at least heard some buzz around Progressive Web Apps. These are widely supported by tech companies such as Google and are quickly…

Explore Open Source Laravel Projects with Open Laravel

Web developers love frameworks because they save time and improve code quality. There are many PHP frameworks out there but Laravel is by far the best…

Free CloudFlare UI Framework for Frontend Developers

CloudFlare recently announced a major overhaul of their system from Backbone to React.js. This came with an updated frontend UI framework and the team…

5 New Programming Languages to Learn

Being a developer has been a top career choice for a while, and it’s hard to imagine this will change anytime soon. Whether you’ve just started or…

Pokéapi: Free RESTful Pokémon API for Developers

The popularity of Pokémon shows no signs of slowing and now spans generations of kids from the 90s into today. Many developers love these games and o…

An Introduction to Atomic Design for Web Designers

Modularity, reusability, and scalability are not only coding concepts but you can also make use of them to create better-optimized design systems. Ato…
