Anyone Can Build an App (or Bots) Easily With This New Coding Site
Have you ever wanted to learn how to code, but felt that the barrier of entry is way too intimidating? If so, then you may want to check out Glitch, a…
Have you ever wanted to learn how to code, but felt that the barrier of entry is way too intimidating? If so, then you may want to check out Glitch, a…
Every web developer should already know about the amazing Chrome Developer Tools. This feature is built right into Chrome and it lets developers inspe…
The open source jQuery library has dominated web development for years. It’s still one of the most trusted resources for JavaScript, but there’s a…
React.js is a flexible and component-based JavaScript library for building interactive user interfaces. It was created and open-sourced by Facebook an…
Many web developers you’ll meet probably have a degree in information technology or computer science, or relevant courses where programming is invol…
The explosive growth of WebGL proves the popularity of gaming on the web. There are lots of cool things you can build on WebGL, but most developers wa…
The text-to-speech feature refers to the spoken narration of a text displayed on a device. At present, devices such as laptops, tablets, and mobile ph…
There are millions of open source projects online with new ones being launched every day. Developers from all backgrounds flock to open source because…
Most WordPress blogs use the "read more" feature to show preview text from a post. This text is truncated and cut off at a certain point to save space…
Most frontend developers already know about npm which is the Node-powered package manager for JavaScript libraries, frameworks and plugins. This is th…
Internet connection is getting faster, however from time to time there are still some moments we need to wait a webpage to load. Designers try their b…
In the first part of this post, we saw how the concepts of synchronous and asynchronous are perceived in JavaScript. In this second part, Mr X appears…