Latest in: Technology

A Guide to Managing Your Google Contacts

Along with all the collective Google apps, Contacts has proven to be a very dynamic address book system. What initially started off in Gmail has now e…

Wikipedia: Redefining Research [Infographic]

It took Wikipedia only a little over a decade to force the 244-year old Encyclopedia Britannica out of print — such is the power of a crowd-sourced …

Tablet Computers: Fad or Future?

Before 2010, we are not really clear about the concept of the computer tablet. Every computer manufacturer and software company in the world have thei…

How to Draw a Realistic Samsung Galaxy in Photoshop

In this tutorial, we are going to draw the famous Samsung Galaxy in Photoshop and Illustrator. We will start by drawing its wireframe in Illustrator a…

SOPA: Scaring or Securing Internet Users?

Since October 2011, the Internet all over the world is buzzing with the recent issue of Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) bill. Millions of Internet users…

A Look Into Six Olympic Logo Designs

After more than 100 years of development, the Olympics has become a ceremony for the entire human being in the name of peace, friendship and joy, and …

5 Windows 8 Features You’ll Love

Note: This post was first published on the Jan 10, 2012. Since the Windows 8 Developer Preview was released, many websites have shared their thoughts …

6 Simple Ways to Speed Up Your Mac

Discover effective ways to speed up your Mac and optimize its performance. Follow these tips to boost your productivity and save time.
