Latest in: Technology

16 Modern Words with The Most Uncanny Origins

Do you ever wonder about the origins of some modern words that you read on the Internet or frequently use yourself? I know I do. Now go ahead, call me…

Make Job Hunting Easier with JobFlare

Job hunting can be a highly depressing affair, particularly if you’ve been unemployed for a fair while now. However, those of you with iOS devices c…

Android Exploit ‘Cloak & Dagger’ Can Steal Your Passwords

Android users may want to keep a close eye on the apps they download onto their devices as researchers have discovered a series of vulnerabilities in …

Meet Microsoft’s New Surface Pro

It’s been nearly two years since the Surface Pro 4 was first released and many were hoping that Microsoft would finally come up with its successor. …

Codemade is a Pinterest-Style Tech Project Sharing Site

Most frontend developers rely on GitHub for their everyday code sharing needs. But, what about building projects for a more technical engineering comm…

Svgsus – Free SVG Organizer & Editor for Mac

As more browsers adopt SVG support, it’s becoming easier to use vector images on the web. SVGs are natural vectors that can scale automatically with…

Google I/O 2017: What Google is Planning for VR & AR

After focusing largely on the many features and services that will be coming to Google’s ecosystem in 2017, Google has held a second keynote at I/O …

How Kickstarter Has Let its Backers Down

Kickstarter has been one of the most famous crowdfunding platforms from almost a decade, providing support to hundreds of projects that are unable to …

Beware This Ransomware Disguised as WhatsApp Webpage

With attention being focused solely on the WannaCry ransomware outbreak that happened over the weekend, it can be easy to lose track of the fact that …

Meet Light Phone – The Most Minimalistic Smartphone So Far

Smartphones are one of the most ubiquitous pieces of technology today, thanks to their Swiss Army Knife-like properties of being able to do almost eve…

Amazon Echo Show – The Latest Alexa-powered Smart Device

Amazon isn’t stranger to the concept of smart home systems with an embedded digital assistant. After all, the company was the first to introduce suc…
