Microsoft’s Premium – What you need to know
A preview of Premium has been made available to anyone living in the U.S. giving you access to affordable custom email addresses, a modern…
A preview of Premium has been made available to anyone living in the U.S. giving you access to affordable custom email addresses, a modern…
With smartphone screen sizes increasing, developers have to make sure they can find ways to prepare the UI for one-hand usage. Today, it is discovered…
With the year end holidays being right around the corner, many have begun planning their holidays online. For those looking to get the best deals when…
On the 27th of October, Apple will be hosting its “Hello Again” event, where the company is expected to announce the new generation of Macs. The l…
Tattoos are fascinating works of art, even though many of us would not have the courage to go under the needle for them. If you are, like me, curious …
Force restarting iPhone 7 is slightly different from the models before it. This guide shows you how to do it.
If Google Photos has always been your favorite backup cloud storage (unlimited storage is hard to say no to), you might like it more than ever. Google…
Windows has hundreds of built-in tools and functions that make everyday tasks easier. However, most of these tools are hard to find and use effectivel…
Having both Apple and Android devices can be a pain when it comes time to charge them. As both devices come with their own set of charging ports, it c…
Applications like Spotify and Apple Music have been providing millions of songs for audiophiles and now are facing new on-demand streaming competition…
Many netizens have heard of bitcoin, the digital currency. This means it exists electronically. To be more precise, bitcoin is a type of cryptocurrenc…
By all accounts, Google’s Chrome is a pretty good browser. Unfortunately, Chrome has been hamstrung by memory management issues since it was first l…