20 Things The Internet Killed [Infographic]
The Internet has been a major game-changer. It changed the way we communicate, the way we share information, the way we act under the blanket of anonymity, amongst other things. The Internet also helped kill many things.
As this infographic from Broadbandwhenever will show, the Internet was a serial killer of random targets. At a personal level, the Internet killed our concentration, memory and free time, but on a more widescale level: music stores and handwritten letters (or perhaps those were just waiting to happen anyways). Here are a few more things the Internet made disappear.
Personally, I think they missed the chopped up state of languages these days (spare an acronym, anyone?), the way we game in solitude, copyrights and our privacy. But I’m interested in what you think is the Internet’s latest casualty. Let us know in the comments.

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