Effortlessly Manage Your Online Accounts with Deseat.me
Note: Deseat.me is now unavailable.
It’s challenging to keep track of the services you’ve signed up via your email account over the years. Lucky you if you’re using Gmail, there is a service called Deseat.me. It lets you track and in some cases delete services that is associated with your account. Now you can forget clicking "report spam" every day.
By using Google OAuth to sign into your Gmail account, Deseat.me will go through your email address to dig up all services that you’ve signed up prior.
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When Deseat.me is done with the rummaging, it will list out every service you’re tied to. From there, you’ll be able to sort those accounts into two sections: to "keep", or to "delete".

If the account is a popular service, clicking on the "Delete" button will immediately bring you to the page where you’ll be able to deactivate your account. In other cases, the "Delete" button will be greyed out, requiring you to delete the account manually instead.
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