Turn Your iPhone Into a 3D Camera Using Poppy
The world of 3D technology is experiencing a resurgence, from awe-inspiring 3D street art to groundbreaking 3D printing and 3D paintings. While there are 3D modelling apps that can convert images or videos into 3D, Poppy offers a unique way to capture 3D content directly from your iPhone.
Poppy is a unique gadget that turns your iPhone or iPod Touch into a 3D capturing device. Inspired by the classic View-Master toy, Poppy allows you to capture, view, and share 3D photos and videos effortlessly.
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Using Poppy is simple. Insert your iPhone or iPod Touch into the device and rotate the box. The device is compatible with iPhone 4, 4S, iPhone 5, and 5th-gen iPod Touch. No electronics or batteries are required; the magic happens through strategically placed mirrors.

The mirrors inside Poppy capture two stereographic images using your device’s camera. When you look through the viewfinder, you’ll see a 3D composite image created by combining these two images.

To experience the 3D effect, you can view the captured content through Poppy. Alternatively, you can use software like StereoPhoto Maker to convert the dual frames into a 3D image or video.

You can also share your 3D creations online. YouTube now supports 3D videos, allowing viewers to experience them with red/blue 3D glasses.

Poppy is versatile and works not only with the native iOS camera app but also with other camera apps like Instagram. A dedicated Poppy app is in the works, which will offer additional features such as:
- Save captured content to Camera Roll
- Directly upload videos to YouTube
- Easy controls and navigation for connected iOS devices

If you’re interested in owning a Poppy device, you can find it on Kickstarter. A pledge of $49 will secure you a unit, expected to be delivered around December 2013.