Browse History of Your Favorite Websites with UX Timeline
Internet users who have been online for years often love the nostalgia of turning back the clock to look at websites as they once were. This is a fun way to kill time and to study the growth of web design over the years.
I always love browsing the Wayback Machine but it’s such a pain. The interface is a bit clunky and many of the archived pages don’t even load properly (or at all). But now a new project called UX Timeline lets you peer into the distant past offering a vertical timeline of previous screenshots and changes along the way.

The beauty of the UX timeline is that you get clear screenshots of the websites attached to a vertical timeline interface that you can scroll to see changes with each year.

Some of the more recent sites like Product Hunt don’t have many entries. But when you get into companies that have been around for 15+ years like MailChimp this becomes a lot more interesting with a whole bunch more screenshots to browse through.
Right now the site focuses on the most popular startups and social networks like Vimeo, Dribbble, Spotify, and Uber (but in the near future I’d expect even more sites to be added to the list).
Overall UX Timeline is really just a small side project made for designers with a hint of nostalgia. But it sure beats manually digging through the Wayback Machine and the screenshots all come in high quality image sizes.
If you want to see any of the images in full just right-click and select "view image" and you’ll get the full-size shot.
There isn’t a way to submit new screenshots but I think this would be a nice feature. You can always try making suggestions or sharing your thoughts with the creator Jacinthe Busson on her Twitter account @jacinthe_.
Read Also: 20 Beautiful Timeline Design For Your Inspiration