10 Podcasts All Web Developers Should Subscribe To
If you commute long distances for study or work, there are plenty of ways to put that travel time to good use. For instance, you could listen to audiobooks or subscribe to podcasts to listen to on the bus or train. While there are plenty of great podcasts out there for you to check out, we think you might just want to get down to business right away, so we did the research for you.
Here are 10 podcasts web developers might be interested to subscribe to. If you’re on Android, do check out this post on the best podcast apps you can use to listen to your favorite podcast episodes.
Read more: 10 Best Podcast Channels Web Devs Need To Subscribe To
1. The Web Platform Podcast
The podcast features discussions on developments in the prominent web technologies like HTML, CSS, Ruby, SVG, Polymer etc. Episodes are usually spaced a week apart and are an hour long. It’s an O’Reilly Media Partner and thus its listeners can get discounts on O’Reilly books.

2. Iterate
On Iterate, the hosts discuss recent technology or trend in web design & development among themselves. Sometimes they interview a guest about the projects they are involved in, their design choices, thought process and other materials within the one-hour long episode.

3. Developer Tea
Developer Tea is an ideal podcast to get started with; you’ll get very straightforward useful tips like how to size down problems, overcome the fear of missing out and more for developers in 15 minutes Episodes featuring guests are longer and split into two episodes as they discuss about the guest’s work and projects.

4. The Giant Robots Smashing into Other Giant Robots
In this podcast, each week the host is joined by guests who are designers and developers (mostly from the thoughtbot team). The guests talk about their work, projects, development and design process, and strategies behind their product development. The podcast is useful for developers who work closely with designers since it covers both genres. Each episode is approximately half an hour long.

5. Creative Coding
The hosts share their thoughts on programming for creative applications like gaming, Raspberry Pi, Arduino etc. Occasionally they’re joined by other developers, who discuss their latest work (Episode 34 features Eben Upton, the founder of Raspberry Pi). The average length of the episodes are about half an hour. Currently there are over 40 episodes.

6. The Five-Minute Geek Show
This is a twice a week show that runs for a little over 5 minutes where host Matt touches on development & design, and gives out advice that helps you grow as a developer in your life. The topics cover real life troubles faced by developers today like “Being a Remote Employee Ain’t Easy”, “Open Source Imposter Syndrome” and “Notifications, Procrastination, and Distraction”.

7. Coding Blocks Podcast
Coding blocks covers some of the root level topics of development like data, coding and programming practices alongside discussions on any current topics. The episodes are about one hour long. If you work with SQL and .NET then this podcast will be even more useful for you since some of the episodes cover those.

8. Revision Path
Revision Path podcast is a podcast which invites a graphic designer, web designer and web developers on a weekly basis. The episodes showcase the guests’ projects, work process and inspirations. The podcast was created to share the stories of African-American developers and designers which makes it different from other podcasts and more inspiring. On average the episode length is around 45 minutes.

9. Three Devs and a Maybe
This podcast is useful for beginner web developers, especially PHP developers, although the topics aren’t limited to PHP only. Besides the technical stuff, discussions are also on the daily life of developers. Each episode is about an hour long. Some of the earlier episodes of this podcast are tutorial-esque and are worth checking out.

The hour-long episodes of this podcast (formerly known as EE podcast) showcases topics such as “Accessibility 101”, “Native vs Web” and more that are quite useful for developers. In each episode the hosts are joined by industry experts with the aim to inspire and teach the audience. A new episode is out every 2 weeks.