8 Proactive Steps to Take When Your Writer Quits
Before we begin, let’s clarify something. If you’re a developer or ecommerce website owner who can’t write, you need a good content writer. There are some talented individuals out there who write excellent content. However, there are also unscrupulous writers who will take your money upfront and then disappear into the vastness of the World Wide Web.
Once you find a talented freelance content writer, hold onto them as if they were the last one on the planet. The good ones are either booked solid for months or have moved on to more gainful endeavors. Even if you can keep a talented content writer, they may not remain a content writer forever. Just like everything else in life, if someone is good at something, other opportunities will open for them to expand and broaden their horizons.
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Woes of the Site Owner
Unfortunately, as a site owner, you have little to no control over when your writer needs to take leave. It often happens at the worst possible times. You may be in the middle of a huge marketing or branding campaign that just took off, or you might have a large boost in readership in your blog and require a steady in-flow of content for the next few weeks.
The last and worst possible thing you could hear at this precise moment is, "I’m leaving for greener pastures." So, what do you do?
8 Things to Do Instead of Panicking
1. Take Affirmative Action
As the Master and Commander of your ship, it’s time to take charge. Whatever you do, do not panic. Panic, at this point, would not only be counterproductive, it would make things much worse. It is not the end of the world until the deadline, which means there is still time before the iceberg hits the ship.

If you find yourself in panic mode, take a deep breath and get a hold of yourself. Remember that you are in control and that there are steps you can take to address the situation.
2. Hot Off the Press
New content writers are entering the internet every day, and the demand for their services is still higher than the supply.
Stop worrying about finding a content writer and go get one. However, be careful about how you go about it. Weeding out the bad writers from the good ones is a delicate process.
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3. You May Already Have a Replacement
Don’t have time to engage with someone you can’t risk trusting? Have you spoken to your team, family, or a friend in the writing business lately? You may be surprised at how many people you know who write, dream of writing, or are already pursuing it.
By reaching out to those you know, you can get an inside look into the personality of a new writer and determine if they are someone you can rely on for steady content. This information can come directly from the horse’s mouth.
4. Go Social
Another digital option is social media marketing. LinkedIn is a great platform for Business to Customer or Business to Business marketing, as well as building brand recognition. With the help of a good content writer and six social media websites, you can create more buzz about your website than with two dozen magazine ads. LinkedIn is particularly useful as it has a wealth of content writers.

Overall, there are various methods available to promote your website. It’s important to consider your target audience and choose the methods that will be most effective for reaching them.
5. Be My Guest
Guest posting is a useful approach that can be utilized from time to time. You can put out a call for guest posts and usually, the guest blogger just wants a link in the content and a couple of links in their bio.
Some guest bloggers may even get paid for their submissions, but regardless, you get good content at half the time it takes to find a long-term replacement for your writer.
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6. Editors Are Worth Their Weight in Gold
Editors are incredibly valuable for ecommerce websites and blogs. They can help increase your ROI by ensuring that your readers see what they need to see at the right time. Additionally, editors can edit the work of your content writers and even replace them temporarily if needed.

However, it’s important not to take advantage of an editor’s writing skills too often. Remember to respect their time and expertise and use them wisely. Overall, an editor is worth their weight in gold for any business looking to improve their content and increase their success.
7. Draw Ideas from the Web
The internet is a wondrous place, filled with all kinds of information on just about every subject you could possibly imagine, including your ecommerce endeavors. If your content writer disappears, there is plenty of material on the internet to pursue and draw ideas from.
However, don’t fall into the trap of copying content at liberty. Original content is still gold even in desperate times.
8. Unleash the Writer in You
Have you ever attempted to write your own content? As the one who knows the kind of content you desire, it may be worth a shot. Although it may not be the best content in the world, I can assure you that it will not be the worst either. In fact, you may even write better than some freelance content writers as nobody understands your readers’ preferences better than you do.

Take the opportunity to create your own content and express your thoughts in writing. You may be surprised at how much you enjoy it and how well it resonates with your audience. So, why not give it a try?
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The End Result
The end result of all this is actually much simpler than the 8 reasons not to panic and how to help yourself. If you panic, nothing gets done. So, if you need a content writer, don’t rush into anything. Take your time and find the one that is right for you. In the meantime, follow these simple tips to get through the rough patch and always keep your chin up.
Make sure to fix any grammar and spelling errors and break the text into easy-to-read paragraphs.