This Site Will Show You All Nearby Cafes with WiFi Hotspots
Picture this scenario: you’re currently exploring your new city, relying on your mobile data to get you through the day. However, your mobile data has a cap, and you wish to conserve it for emergencies.
Your best bet is to rely on a free Wi-Fi hotspot, although those can be hard to find depending on where exactly you are. If this sounds like something you face on a regular basis, then Cafe Wi-Fi will prove to be really handy.
Available as a web-based service, with an Android app currently in the works, Cafe Wi-Fi is a map that shows off any available Wi-Fi hotspots at any given area.
Much like the Airport Wi-Fi map, Cafe Wi-Fi relies on a combination of user contributions and third-party sources like FourSquare to populate its map with Wi-Fi hotspots.

Besides listing down available Wi-Fi hotspots in an area, Cafe Wi-Fi has also taken advantage of the crowdsource-nature of the service to provide users with more details about the hotspots.
All hotspots are color-coded depending on the quality of the Wi-Fi connection, with green being excellent while red represents a poor quality hotspot. Grey colored ones, on the other hand, are hotspots that have yet to be rated.

Aside from connection quality, other information that can be found about the hotspot includes some standard location information, as well as connection speed.

The other cool feature of Cafe Wi-Fi is its ability to give you directions to the hotspot of choice. Tapping on the “Get Directions” button will cause Cafe Wi-Fi to boot up your device’s default map application and set the destination to the hotspot’s location.
If there is one major drawback that Cafe Wi-Fi has, it would have to be the fact that the map can prove to be underpopulated in its current form. As Cafe Wi-Fi relies on user submitted information to update its map, some places may contain little to no Wi-Fi hotspots listed, while other places may be highly populated with available hotspots.
That being said, this particular problem tends to be solved over time as more people are made aware of the service.
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